Snowforest’s new headquarters

Every startup, at some point, needs to move out of their garage or basement headquarters, command center, or whatever you call it. That’s part of the reason why co-working spaces like 100state play an important role in the startup community, and we’ve been a 100state member for 6 months now. In order to build a solid foundation for the growth next year, we figured we’d need a new headquarters as we need more space. And we’re happy to find the Lafayette Building right next to the Hilldale Mall on the west side of Madison. The building was owned and built by John B. Threlfall about 50 years ago. It has three levels and houses more than 30 small businesses and individual professionals.

Lafayette Building © Ting-Li Lin/Snowforest

I was impressed by how well the building has been maintained by the owner and his family. The brick walls, the wood bookshelves and cabinets, the terrazzo floors — everything is in great shape. Although they don’t have a kitchen or conference rooms like other commercial spaces, I think I can live without it. Also, I was so happy to learn that the building is in Hoyos Consulting‘s network so that we don’t need to deal with AT&T to get internet services. Thanks to the Center for Railroad Photography & Art, one of the tenants, for providing the information.

Below is the lobby of the building. In the coming weeks, we will continue to move more furniture, decors, and equipment into our office. Hopefully it will be ready by the end of this year! And of course, we will make a virtual tour of the new headquarters when it’s ready.

Lafayette Building © Ting-Li Lin/Snowforest

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